About Us
CPAP1000.com - Our History
Seven Years of Respiratory Health Services
Established 2014 in Minneapolis USA, CPAP1000.com focuses in the areas of Respiratory Safety and CPAP therapy. We provide genuine and high quality protective masks and UVC/Ozone sterilization equipment. They are used globally by our customers and we also use them to protect our employees and families. Our team has over 30 years of CPAP clinical support experience and many of us are also sleep apnea patients. We understand how to help CPAP patients from both clinical and personal perspectives.
CPAP1000.com strives to improve people's lives by providing quality, effective and safe respiratory medical products. We are trusted by over 450,000 customers in the US and Worldwide.
For protective masks and sterilizers, our customers are primarily hospitals, medical clinics, dental offices, ambulance services, government entities, schools, pharmacies, businesses, and the general public. For CPAP Supplies, our customers are primarily distributors of medical equipment and patients.
Over 90% of our Personal Protective Equipment is sold to hospitals, clinics and essential services. We allocate 10% to the general public for prevention.
Thank you for choosing to work with us!